
Our Story

光シティ教会の牧師、馬越牧(うまこし まき)です。牧師になる前は、東京の企業で働いていました。昔から憧れていた職種で、やりがいのある仕事に就いていました。そんな中、週末には東京の母教会で子どもたち向けのメッセージを語る機会があり、その経験を通して、自分の中に聖書を語る情熱があることに気づかされました。次第に、「お金を稼ぐこと」よりも、「神様のためにメッセージを語りたい」という思いが大きくなっていったのです。



I’m Maki Umakoshi, the pastor of Hikari City Church. Before becoming a pastor, I worked for a company in Tokyo. It was a fulfilling job in the field I had always dreamed of working in. During that time, I had the opportunity to share messages with children at my home church in Tokyo on the weekends. Through that experience, I realized the deep passion I had for sharing the Bible. Gradually, my heart shifted from focusing on earning a living to wanting to share God’s message.

Around the same time, my wife, Sony, started attending my home church. Sony is from South Korea, but she had been interested in Japan since high school. She watched a lot of Japanese dramas and taught herself the language. Without even realizing it, God had been preparing her for the work we would do in the future. In 2013, we got married, and the following year, I left my job to enroll in seminary in Seoul. That same year, in August, our daughter, Reika, was born.

After graduating from seminary, God gave us a vision to plant a church in the United States. So, in February 2020, just before the COVID-19 pandemic spread, we arrived in Detroit, ready to step into this new chapter.